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Cut & Paste HTML Table filter script (v 1.6)

Credit: Max Guglielmi

Note: Updated to v 1.6 on Feb 15th, 2007

Description: This awesome script adds to any html table a "filter by column" feature that enables users to filter and limit the data displayed within a long table. It even works on tables with uneven rows. The script automatically adds a filter grid bar at the top of the desired table. Very nice!

How does it work?

You just need to define the id attribute of a table and insert a piece of javascript code in the head of the html document or in an external ".js" file.

Here you have an example of a regular html table:

From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Car/Coach (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 24 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 17 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.2 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 14.3 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 35 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 33.3 40

Below the same table with a filtering grid generated automatically (press enter after entering in some filter text):

From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Car/Coach (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 24 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 17 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.2 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 14.3 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 35 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 33.3 40

By adding an id (id="table1") to the table and inserting the script below in the <body> section:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

the grid will be generated automatically. The number of filters (<input>) is equal to the number of columns (<td>). If your document contains several tables (like this page), it is important to define unique ids, otherwise the script will not work properly.

The setFilterGrid() function accepts 2 additional parameters that will be explained in the next tables. In the example below, by specifing a row number as a "reference" row, we tell the function which row to use in order to generate the right number of filters:

This is the table caption
From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Car/Coach (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide (AUS) 1412 1.4 24 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 17 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.2 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 14.3 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 35 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane2045 2.15 33.3 40ttt

Here we have specified row number 1, that is the second row from the top. The 1st row is number 0. Since the 1st row doesn't contain the right number of columns, we need to pass the mentioned parameter in order to calculate the right number of columns and also define from which row should start the filtering process. Note that merged cells (<td colspan="2">) are simply skipped.

By default, the script adds text boxes (<input>). As you will see in the next example, you may also decide to use a drop-down lists (<select>) instead of text boxes:

This is the table caption
  From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Car/Coach (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
1. Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 24 25.3
2. Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 17 16
3. Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.2 4.3
4. Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 14.3 10.5
5. Adelaide (AUS) Perth 2781 3.1 35 38
6. DeAdelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20 20.25
7. Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 33.3 40

To do that you just need to declare an Array in which you specify which filters should not be displayed or displayed as drop-down lists:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var table3Filters = {
		btn: true,
		col_0: "none",
		col_2: "select",
		btn_text: "  >  "

You can name the Array as you want, but don't forget to add it to the parameters of the setFilterGrid() function. It is important to respect the syntax and naming convention as shown above. There are only 2 values for col_n: "none" hides the text box for the designated column and "select" creates a drop-down list with only 1 occurrence of each cell data. Similarly to row designation, here the first column is column number 0: col_0.

The button "go" in the grid can also be changed. By adding the btn_text property with a desired value, you can modify the text of the button. Below you will find an exhaustive list of properties you can define.

Properties table

In the following table you will find all the elements you can define in the grid:

Property Name Type Description Example
col_0 string hides text box (input) for a desired column var MyTableFilter = { col_0: "none" }
col_3 string generates a drop-down list for a desired column var MyTableFilter = { col_3: "select" }
btn boolean if set true shows "Go" button in the grid (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { btn: true }
btn_text string changes the text of the button var MyTableFilter = { btn_text: "Filter" }
enter_key boolean disables "enter" key (default - true) var MyTableFilter = { enter_key: false }
mod_filter_fn function calls another function instead of the default function ( Filter('mytable') ) at submission var MyTableFilter = { mod_filter_fn: function(){ alert('Calls another function!!!'); Filter('table_3'); }}
display_all_text string sets message for "display all" in drop-down list; (default - empty) var MyTableFilter = { display_all_text: "Display all towns" }
on_change boolean filters the table as you change the value of a drop-down list (default - true) var MyTableFilter = { on_change: false }
rows_counter boolean if set true, it will display the total # of rows displayed at the top of the table in left corner (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { rows_counter: true }
rows_counter_text string sets text of the label for total # of rows displayed (default - "Data rows: ") var MyTableFilter = { rows_counter_text: "Total items: " }
btn_reset boolean if set true, it will show a "Reset" button at the top of the table in right corner (default - false) allowing users to re-initialise the table var MyTableFilter = { btn_reset: true }
btn_reset_text string sets text for the "Reset" button (default - "Reset") var MyTableFilter = { btn_reset_text: "Clear" }
sort_select boolean if set true, it will sort options in the drop-down list(s) (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { sort_select: true }
paging boolean if set true, it will generate a paging feature var MyTableFilter = { paging: true }
paging_length number sets # of rows displayed in a page (default - 10) var MyTableFilter = { paging_length: 50 }
loader boolean if set true, it will display a "loading" message (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { loader: true }
loader_text string sets text for "loading" message (default - "Loading...") var MyTableFilter = { loader_text: "Filtering data..." }
exact_match boolean if set true, only exact matches will be displayed (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { exact_match: true }
grid boolean enables / disables filter grid generation (default - true) var MyTableFilter = { grid: false }
alternate_rows boolean if set true, it enables alternating rows background color (default - false) var MyTableFilter = { alternate_rows: true }
col_operation object this object calculates the values of a column (sum,mean). It works with the following properties:
  • colOperation["id"] contains the ids of elements
    showing result (array)
  • colOperation["col"] contains index of
    columns (array)
  • colOperation["operation"] contains operation
    type (array, values: 'sum', 'mean')
  • colOperation["write_method"] array defines
    which method to use for displaying the
    result ('innerHTML', 'setValue', 'createTextNode').
    Note that innerHTML is the default value.
var MyTableFilter = {
    col_operation: {
       id: ["table8Tot1","table8Tot2"],
       col: [2,5],
       operation: ["sum","mean"],
       write_method: ["innerHTML","setValue"]
rows_always_visible array this property makes desired rows always visible. It accepts an array definining the row indexes to be displayed ([1,2,3..]) var MyTableFilter = { rows_always_visible: [9,10] }
col_width array this property defines column widths. It accepts an array containing width values (['150px','10%']) var MyTableFilter = { col_width: ["150px","15%",null,null] }
bind_script object this property designs a function that will be called after grid generation. This function will interact with another script in order to merge the filter generator with other script(s). Note that the invoked function needs to developed. It accepts an object with the following properties:
  • bind_script["name"] contains an identifier for the script (string)
  • bind_script["target_fn"] designs the function to invoke (function)
var table10_Props = {
    bind_script:{ name:"autocomplete", target_fn: setAutoComplete }

Public functions

These are the functions developers should use in order to interact with the filter grid:

Fn name Description Example
TF_GetFilterIds() Returns an array containing filter grid ids of the page var gridIds = TF_GetFilterIds();
TF_HasGrid(id) Checks if the table designated by the argument has a filter grid. It returns a boolean var hasTFGrid = TF_HasGrid("myTableId");
TF_GetFilters(id) Returns an array containing filter ids of a specified grid var filterIds = TF_GetFilters("myTableId");
TF_GetStartRow(id) Returns the index of the row from which will start the filtering process var startRow = TF_GetStartRow("myTableId");
TF_GetColValues(id,colindex,num) Returns an array containing cell values of a column. It needs following args:
  • a table id (string)
  • a column index (number)
  • a boolean set to true if we want only numbers to be returned (optional)
var myColValues = TF_GetColValues("myTableId",0);
TF_Filter(id) Filters a table TF_Filter("myTableId");
TF_RemoveFilterGrid(id) Removes a filter grid. Note that all the properties attached to the filter table will not be removed. This will make it easier to reset the filter (if needed) since all the properties are still available TF_RemoveFilterGrid("myTableId");
TF_ClearFilters(id) Clears the grid filters only. Note that the table will not be filtered TF_ClearFilters(id);
TF_SetFilterValue(id,index,searcharg) Inserts a value in a specified filter. It accepts the following arguments:
  • a table id (string)
  • a filter column index (numeric value)
  • a search string
TF_SetFilterValue("myTableId",2,'Search string here');

Directions: Simply download "HTML Table Filter (v1.6)", and refer to the html page inside.

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