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Cut & Paste Midi Juke Box II

Credit: The Omega

Description: A very cool midi juke box.



Step 1: Copy these images onto your hd:

Contplay.gif (224 bytes) Playsong.gif (230 bytes) Stopsong.gif (114 bytes) Nextsong.gif (123 bytes) Randsong.gif (245 bytes)

Step 2: Copy the below code into the <head> section of your page:

Step 3: Copy the below and save it as "select.htm". This file should be placed in the same directory as the images above:

To change the midi files to your own, edit the above code. Somewhere in the middle, you will find the file path of the midi, which you can alter.

You can download the midi used in this example here:

90291.mid baywatch.mid chicagobull.mid

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