
How I learned JavaScript

A question I get asked often is how I myself learned JavaScript. While it baffles me a bit why people are so interested in this, since the road to learning this popular language is different for each person, and my experience only represent what worked for me, I guess it's nevertheless an interesting story that's worth telling. So here it is.

Back in late 1996, when Yahoo's stock per share was worth less than my pocket change, I had the sudden urge to learn JavaScript. Boy, did I wish I had the urge to buy, say, a certain company's stock, instead. Anyhow, I had heard alot of buzz about this JavaScript language, and decided the time had come to elevate my webmaster skills, and tackle JavaScript head on. So, I strolled down to a local bookstore here in Vancouver, Canada, and bought my very first JavaScript book, "JavaScript Sourcebook," by Gordon McComb. To my disappointment, the book was dull, and read more like a technical manual on how to launch rockets than program in this relatively simple and fun computer language called JavaScript. For two months, I left the whole idea of learning it alone, not to mention the book!

As such things in life tend to happen, a colleague of mine decided to give me a book for the Christmas of 1996- one on none other than JavaScript. While my first impression of the language definitely wasn't good, I decided to read the book anyways. What else was a man to do on his Holidays? The book marked the true beginning of my journey into JavaScript- learning, programming, and eventually creating a site out of it. Titled "Official Netscape JavaScript Book (1996, Peter and John Kent)", the book is nothing short of spectacular, as it explains JavaScript in a very relaxed, easy to understand manner, while covering thoroughly everything you need to start programming in it. The book not only taught me JavaScript, but the importance of a good "teacher" when taking on anything.

Of course, the story doesn't just end there. Like learning anything in life, you need to constantly get your feet wet in the subject matter. In terms of learning JavaScript, this has meant constantly programming in the language, and reading tutorials and articles on it. I sincerely wish all of you JavaScript "endeavorers" out there the best of luck on mastering this essential web language...